Guidelines for Authors


International Review of Cell & Molecular Biology (IRCMB) 


I. Submission of Manuscript


After preparing your manuscript according to the instructions given below, please send an electronic file of your manuscript by e-mail to the Editor, Kwang W. Jeon at, for an editorial review. Please send us your manuscript in the MS Word format (not in pdf), together with separate files for tables and figures. Figure files are preferred to be in a graphic format, such as TIFF, EPS, or PPT, by the engravers. After the review, we will ask you to send us your final manuscript electronically.


II. Preparation of Manuscript


A. Chapter Organization


     1. Title Page (Page 1; with all subsequent pages numbered) to include:


·       A running title (Fewer than 45 characters)

·       Title of the article (No abbreviations in the title)

·       Author's name(s) and affiliation(s)

·       Corresponding author’s name and address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address



     2.  “Table of Contents” on page 2


     3.  “Abstract” (about 150 words) & “Key words” (5 – 8 items) on page 3


     4.  “1. Introduction” section at the beginning of text (page 4)


     5.  Summarizing section (e.g., “Concluding Remarks”) at the end of the text


6. Subdivision of a chapter: The chapter should be divided into sections and subsections, each having a short descriptive title. Cross references to other parts of the same chapter should refer to section numbers (e.g., Section 2.2.1). A suggested scheme for the designation of the subdivision is the following:


               Abstract & Key Words


                   1.  Introduction


                   2.  ....

                          2.1. ....

                               2.1.1. ... ... ...

                               2.1.2 ...                      

                          2.2. ....


All headings except the fourth level, i.e., those designated by, should be typed on separate lines and not run into the paragraph. Please capitalize the first letters of major words in the first-level headings.


7.  Footnotes: It is preferable not to include footnotes, and such material should be incorporated in the text. In cases where the use of footnotes is unavoidable, please


     a.  number footnotes with Arabic superscripts in order of appearance in the text, and

     b.  type all footnotes for your chapter double-spaced in one separate list (keyed to the manuscript pages where

     the footnotes are cited) and attach it to the manuscript at the end of the text following figure legends.


8. Abbreviations of Units: When internationally accepted units of measurement are used in conjunction with their numerical values, they should be abbreviated. The following forms are preferred:  %, cm, mm (not m), nm (not angstroms), in (or write out inch), h (or hr), min, s (or sec), kg, g (or gm), mg, µg, ml (but write out liter), µl, --˚ C, cal, kcal, g (for gravity), and Mr as -- kDa.


9. Double spacing throughout, including References and Tables


10.  Margins of 1 inch (2.5 cm) on all sides, with flush left and ragged right (unjustified) format. Text lines should not be hyphenated at the end. Please use the automatic wrap-around feature and not hard returns for line breaks within a paragraph. Use hard returns at the end of each paragraph and after new headings.


Note: The above and additional information on IRCMB may be found on our Web page at    


B. References

        If you use EndNote for formatting the reference list (and for in-text citations), please use the output style for "Developmental Biology" in the EndNote style library, which is similar to the IRCMB's style. However, if you would like to use our own output style, please let the Editor know and he will send you "Intl Rev Cell Molec Biol.ens" for your use.


    1. Text Citations


Text citations may be given in either of two ways: 

·       With date only in parentheses: “as demonstrated by Jones (1986)”

·       With name and date in parentheses:  “according to these authors (Jones et al., 1985)” 

·       Please do not use “(reviewed by …), (see …), (… for review …)” since they are not necessary.


    2. Reference List


Titles of articles should be given in full, followed by the journal name and references. For abbreviations of journal titles, please follow the forms used in Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (the most recent volume and Supplements).


     a. Single authors:  If more than one reference is given for a single author, the publications should be listed chronologically.


     b. Two authors:  References for which there are two authors should be arranged first alphabetically, then chronologically within each alphabetical group.  For text citations, use both authors’ names and the year.


     c. Three or more authors:  Disregard alphabetization within this group (except for the first surname, which determines the position in the list) and arrange the references chronologically.  This is done because all text citations use the surname of the first author only, followed by “et al.,” or “and associates,” for such references.

Please pattern the styling, punctuation, and capitalization after the following examples:


    1) Journals


    Mandel, J. L., 1989. Dystrophin - The gene and its product. Nature 339, 584-586.

    Yoshida, M., Ozawa, E., 1990. Glycoprotein complex anchoring dystrophin to sarcolemma. J. Biochem.
(Tokyo) 108, 748-752.

    2) Whole books

    Becker, J. M., Caldwell, G. A., Zachgo, E. A., 1996. Biotechnology: A Laboratory Course, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego.

    Birren, B., Lai, E., 1993. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis: A Practical Guide. Academic Press, San

    3) Book chapters


     Zhou, S., Admon, A., 1995. Enzymatic digestion of proteins in zinc chloride and Ponceau S-stained gels. In

     Techniques in Protein Chemistry (J. W. Crabb, Ed.), Vol. VI, pp. 161-168. Academic Press, San Diego.


C. Tables


Tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals in the order of appearance in the text. Type each table double-spaced on a separate page with a short descriptive title typed directly above and with essential footnotes . Footnotes to tables should be placed at the bottom of the table and linked to the body of the table with corresponding lowercase italic superscript letters.


If references to the literature appear only in a table, they should not be included in the main reference list.  The complete reference should be given as a footnote to the table.


D. Figures


Figures should be submitted in a finished form suitable for reproduction. Please number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals and clearly indicate orientation. Each figure should have a descriptive legend which should be typed together on a separate sheet, double-spaced. Lettering on drawings should be large enough to withstand appropriate reduction for publication.  Please indicate in the text where each table or figure should be placed.


In submitting your electronic artwork, please ensure that:


·       All files are in the correct format - TIFF, EPS, PPT or MS Office files.

·       Large figures can be resized to fit in IRCMB pages, 4 1/2 × 7 inch (11.4 × 17.7 cm) in size, without losing legibility.

·       Each figure or table is saved as a separate file (not embedded in the text).

·       Figure legends are attached at the end of the Reference section, not on figures.


E. Color Figures


    Color figures will be reproduced in color in the online version, but they will be set in a grey scale in the printed volumes.


F. Names of Chemical or Organic Substances


Names of chemical or organic substances should follow the recommendations of the IUPAC-IUBMB Joint Combined Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN).  In reports involving recombinant DNA molecules, constructed in vitro and subsequently inserted into cells, reference must be made to the appropriate NIH guidelines and/or other pertinent regulations or, if comparable documents exist in the country where the work was done, these may be referenced.


III. Permissions


Authors who plan to use illustrations, charts, tables, or other material from previously published sources must obtain written permissions from copyright owners (usually the publisher) and send letters granting this permission to Elsevier Academic Press, Inc.


If an author uses material from his/her own published work, permission must still be obtained from the publisher.


The source of the data must always be credited, e.g., in a footnote to a table or in the figure legend.


IV. Proofs


Your manuscript will be set directly into pages and proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. Page proofs for your contribution will be the only proofs you will see before the volume is published. To avoid delay in publication, only necessary changes should be made, and proofs should be returned promptly. Authors will be charged for alterations that exceed 10% of the total cost of composition, except for changes occasioned by typesetter's or publisher's errors.$Body/0.21F6?OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif

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